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Fulfill Your College Goals

College goals can be expensive. SEIU International offers affordable options with low-cost tuition for members and their families.

SEIU 521 and API award yearly college scholarship opportunities that enable members and their children to pursue their educational goals at colleges, universities, labor study programs, and technical schools.

Become an SEIU 521 member today to enjoy these benefits, and more!

SEIU Local 521 Scholarship

Ann Cervantes Scholarship

SEIU Local 521 awards this yearly college scholarship opportunity that enables members and their children to pursue their educational goals at colleges, universities, labor study programs, and technical schools. The scholarship is named after Ann Cervantes, a former SEIU Local 521 community and political organizer who passed away in 2016. The scholarship recognizes Annโ€™s contributions to the labor movement and provides 10 winners with $1,500 each for their first year of study only. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in the Fall of 2025.

SEIU 521 union membership must be for one continuous year as of September 1, 2024. Graduate students are not eligible. All scholarships must be for the academic year(s) awarded. Scholarships will be granted without regard to sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability of any applicant. Officers and employees of the International Union and their children are not eligible. Scholarships are limited to one per household.

Scholarship Award Amounts: This scholarship provides 10 winners with a one-time cash award of $1,500 each for their first year of study only. Apply by March 31st, 2025.

To complete your application online, click here for student portion:

Section 4 โ€“ Requires Verification by a School Official โ€“ Copy the link and forward it to your school official:

SEIU 521 Ann Cervantes Scholarship โ€“ Flyer

SEIU 521 Ann Cervantes Scholarship โ€“ 2025 Application

SEIU College Benefits

Free College Benefit

Spread the word at your worksite!
English | Spanish

Earn your College Associate Degree or Certificate online for free.
With the SEIU Free College Benefit, eligible SEIU members and their families can earn an Associate Degree or Certificate online without having to pay for tuition, fees, or e-books. Find out more here.
Flyers: English | Spanish

Making college affordable and convenient for every SEIU Member!
SEIU has partnered with Southern New Hampshire University to offer the College for America programs to our members, with low-cost tuition. Find out more here.

Check the additional SEIU education programs such as the loan forgiveness program.

API Caucus Scholarship

API scholarships are open to SEIU 521 API Caucus members in good standing and/or their children. All scholarship submissions must be for the academic year awarded. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in the Fall of 2024. Scholarships will be granted without regard to the sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability of any applicant. Scholarships are limited to one per household. Applications are available starting March 1, 2024. Application with essay must be received in the union office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 5, 2024. Click here for application. Mail to: SEIU Local 521, 5228 E. Pine Ave., Fresno, CA 93727. Scholarship Award Amounts: This scholarship provides winners with a one-time cash award of $500 each.

Union Plus Scholarships

โ€œUnions believe strongly in education, thatโ€™s why we continue our 25 year commitment to funding college scholarships to help union families achieve their dreams.โ€
โ€“ MITCH STEVENS, Union Plus President

More information and application.

Union Plus also offers a free college program.
Associate Degree

Bachelorโ€™s Degree